Individual Disability Income Insurance

Your income is the foundation for all your expenses and the beginning of a solid financial strategy. Individual disability income insurance can provide the income protection you’re missing.

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Protection for your most valuable asset – your income

Think of disability income insurance as protection for your income. What would happen if you were suddenly unable to go to work and didn’t receive your paycheck for three months? What about three years? Could you pay your bills on time? Would your family have enough to meet everyday living expenses?

Maybe you think this would only happen if you suffered a terrible accident, but that’s not true. Most disabilities are from illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

What is disability insurance?

Individual disability income insurance is income continuation, or replacement income. If you’re injured or become ill, your disability benefit will replace a percentage of your income while you’re unable to work. This type of income protection insurance pays you so you can pay your mortgage or rent, buy groceries and meet other ongoing living expenses.

Learn more about disability income insurance and how it works by watching our
Understanding Disability Income Insurance video series.

How does disability insurance work?

Disability income insurance is a lot like car insurance. Auto insurance is designed to protect your car against damage and could help pay medical bills if you’re injured in a car accident. You pay a monthly fee for this safety net, just like you do for individual disability income insurance, which provides protection if you’re unable to work due to an illness or injury.

It’s protection for your most important financial resource: your ability to earn an income.

Ameritas makes individual disability income insurance easy

Recognized as one of the best individual disability insurance companies, Ameritas disability income insurance goes to work when you can’t. Our products offer the options and flexibility to build income protection based on your needs.

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DInamic Cornerstone Income Protection®

Pays a traditional monthly benefit if you become too sick or injured to work.

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DInamic Fundamental®

Pays a one-time benefit if a disability prevents you from earning an income.

Your ability to earn an income is your greatest asset. Don’t let an illness or injury demolish your financial foundation. Protect your income today.

Ameritas Insights for Disability Income